Home Goodbye, you old friend

Goodbye, you old friend

I actually wanted to write again about me reading Yotsuba-to(spoiler I haven’t read further then the first chapter) but here we go

What’s happened?

Yesterday the development of Youtube Vanced(which means “Advanced but without Ad”) has been interrupted by their devs, who declared they’ve been forced to shut it down. It’s easy to make some assumptions about who has forced them to do so. Google, you piece of shit. I hate you.

Goodbye Vanced

Don’t get me wrong

I still consider Youtube one of the greatest resources of this fucking dying internet. Half of my skills come from it. I’ve felt a sensation of pure fear for a sec when I heard Tom Scott claiming Youtube will be probably shut down in the future. It’s a pity though the company that’s behind it has become one the worst consuming cancer of this beautiful place Internet was once. They’ve become, together with Apple and few others, the materialisation of once abstract ideologies.1 They act like pussies. They’ve lost all their temper because of youtube-dl(which works thanks to a public youtube functionality for which Google has done nothing but crying out) and they have received that slap in the face they deserved. I won’t even talk about the dislike button thing. They’ve got all the money of this planet, but they still pretend to be in need of those pain-in-the-ass video ads of 30 seconds which you cannot even skip anymore.2 You could skip those horrible ads thanks to Youtube Vanced. You could also skip the sponsors parts directly while watching. Simply…


It wasn’t all puppy dogs and rainbows

This post will contain some criticism towards Vanced as well. Ffs, installation at the beginning worked through the .apks format, which are used by devs only (that’s why such method is totally a meme to me). Moreover, they’ve always got problem on MIUIs, and only recently their manager started to work fine for real. Anyway, any kind of this struggle is in vain now.

Nonetheless, thank you Vanced

You’ve been of great company during my researches for my phone personalisations. In the very end, you made Youtube on phones enjoyable and easy.

What now?

NewPipe seems the most suitable candidate to supply for such loss. It works with no frameworks from Google or Youtube, it simply scrapes pages and returns it what you need from a Youtube video. This should be enough not to see even this project being forcibly shut down. Maybe, thanks to SponsorBlock, users won’t even need an app: a mobile browser with a normal adblocker and this plugin should remove the unimportant content.

  1. Christians, Puritans, Quakers, Muslims, Protoalfabetabodhysattivationzsims - and the list can go on, could be once distinguished just according to their beliefs and the rituals developed from these. Their thoughts were shaped by years of predications from a different book(no matter if it’s the torah, the bible, the qur’an or the sutras) and they acted differently according to these predications. Now we simply got IOs vs Android…and maybe the new Huawei system? I don’t know, it’s a war between losers I don’t care. 

  2. Remember, all these norms, regulations and discontinuations happen because Google gets ultimatums from ads companies when they claim they don’t receive enough money or they prefer to take distances from a specific content(this was the reason why all the demonetisation matter started, for example). 

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