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Welcome to NAYoRe’s blog!

I’m just a student who finds languages funny. Although I’ve studied English (as a foreigner) for more than 10 years, today I’ve found out that I’ve used a word that doesn’t exist for more than two years. The point is: have you ever been in the bogs of a British pub? You could find those naive large stainless steel urinals they sometimes use. Hopefully, they never forget to use those lemon-smelling yellow chunks. Don’t ask me why, since the first time I had to find a word for those…things, I’ve always named them ‘pastiches.’ My mind went full heuristic monkey or something.

Considering that I’m an Italian native speaker, I probably thought about the word


Ital. Feminine noun, plur. pasticche; ‘Tablet or pill’

and I searched for a logic-sounding version in English ending up with pastiche, which btw exists in English, it’s used in artistic subjects.

I’ve learned a new thing about English, but about the British too: they’ll never correct you, allowing to create such miserable red herrings about words inside your brain. Tbh, I’ve always found languages funny because I learn about the speaker too. Living abroad, I noticed how I love to compare the different ways two languages use to express the same meaning or concept.
Moreover, I’m kinda bored, I’m lazy and I need to set a routine or something. That’s why I decided to keep this journal, where I jot down observations and my progress while trying to learn Japanese, another pretty funny language. Fingers crossed!

I’m a MA Eng Lit student, Italian native but based in the UK. I guess I’ve tried to kill two or more birds with a stone and opened a blog to:

  • record my ‘progress’ learning Japanese
  • maybe finding a pen pal, so that I could train my horrible handwriting
  • just because

Feel free to get in touch with me at nayorejournal@outlook.com :v: